Wednesday, January 28, 2009
I Danced Around The House This Morning
I've read somewhere that never a day goes by without a song. It's true. Whether sung by me in my now reedy voice that used to perform in clubs as half of Salt And Pepper (I was Pepper), or the absolutely ecstatic chortling of a mockingbird outside my window just a happy clam to be alive, I hear songs.
This morning, the first post I read was An Artists Journal. Martha found an amazing multi medium artist from Germany, Eva Marie Nerling. I just added her to my favorite links and will see if I can snag an interview. The blog I read on her site had an incredible fun and snappy song called "Wir machen das klar" -- "We'll fix it!" by Jan Delay.
Go ahead and click on the link . If you can keep still, not giggle at the band's method of 'Fixing IT', write me, let me know where you got your lobotamy what drugz you're on! I have so often felt like Fixin' It when faced with a mess that's so entangled as to be untenable, doesn't matter if it's a dress somebody 'started to make' or a family situation.
P.M. Update: And I mean Post Mortem, NOT post meridiem/matin!
It is not a good idea to dance in the kitchen with a broken bone and a leg brace. It has now moved down to my ankle along with the swelling.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Miracle Wrap Skirt Pattern Promise
Stay tuned.
Here's the progress on my colorful knee experiment. The bruising is moving toward my ankle now and has completely enveloped my knee.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Diving For The Floor
Monday, January 12, 2009
Sunny Rising
I first chanced upon a picture-less paragraph in Craft Magazine Daily, an online anthology of various and sundry creativity that is one of the tools that gives me the impetus to keep creating. I need visual caffeine. Otherwise I would die, smell up the neighborhood, and be found some time later as a mummified corpse along with several cats as bony companions.
This one article said, “A Leathercrafter's Story: Etsy's Handmade Portraits" series goes in depth with successful sellers to tell the story of their creative rise to fame. In this one, learn how Allison Sattinger started her own line of beautiful leather crafts, Sunny Rising Leather"
I went and looked, saw that they spelled her name wrong among other sins, then followed the URL trail. An hour or so later, I felt like I had found a child of mine. My email to her says pretty much everything I felt:
Miss Sunny,
Discovered you via Craft Magazine. No pictures or color or sounds. Just a blurb. The fools. First I found your art. Then I found your music. Honeylamb. Child. Darlin'. I have visions of you singing "The Love Of Your Life" at the next VMA Awards show with appropriate back lighting in a swanky gown. I'm retired from costuming or I'd want to make it. I'd like to help in a tiny way to get you there.
No stalking or hanging out in trees across from your house. I'm a 'femme de certain age' at 61, too fat to climb and sit on tenuous limbs, and you ain't my flavor. But. I can do a small part by doing a blurb and feature you on my blog, send you out to my upline, which is not all that huge, but dedicated, multi-cultural and multi-national/countries and scared NOT to do anything I tell them they need to do or buy. In this case, your CD.
Dumplin'. You've got one of THOSE voices. I hear Nancy Griffith, Patti Smith, Jewel, Carole King, Emmylou Harris, Linda Ronstadt, Norah Jones, and a dash of K.D. Lang in there. You need your music out there. I hope your man understands.
I want nothing in return except maybe a subject for my blog so my coterie will get off my arse for a week or two. I'm a bit of an eccentric old fart with every possible joy in life right here in my hand. So. You can give me nothing and have nothing I need.
But I took a look at that face of yours, those huge blue eyes, and then I heard your pipes. Let me do this and then I won't aggravate you anymore. I want to put a video or two from YouTube, an uber brief bio and links to your Etsy shop and My Space where the CD can be bought. I will buy my own copy.
You can check me out at, and my Etsy shop is Deepwater Trading Company at I had a website with my costumes on it but some eternal pubescent from N. Korea or Van Nuys hacked in and stole it.
Say yes and keep my blood pressure meds down for the day.
Dina Kerik
And Sunny answered. Graciously. I have spent the last month dancing around Dogpatch singing “Love of Your Life” by Miss Sattinger. I almost have the lyrics memorized and the cats love it, too. Here's the video of her, guitarist and friend Matt Coleman singing an al fresco version
See them Wedgewood Blue eyes as big as moons? See them teeth in a smile that lights up a room like thousand watt kliegs? Can you believe that voice?!! I've got a feeling in my bones about Sunny Sattinger. And yes, honeychild. I want to name you. I think SUNNY should be a nom de guerre for this talented young woman Cher, Prince and Jewel are.
Can't get enough of her music same as me? Watch videos of her from THIS selection or this one HERE on YouTube.
Want to buy her CD (cover below)? See her My Space page here.
As if the voice weren't talent enough, she does metalwork along with her leather sculpture.
"Love in Ruins" Varacite/Silver by Sunny Sattinger
"Moon Phases" by Sunny Sattinger
And I'll end this with a blessing. Sunny's blessing.
(Ed. Note: All photos, videos and music used with the express permission of Allison Sattinger. Copyright Allison Sattinger. Works may not be reproduced in any form or used without prior permission. I think that covers it.)
Thursday, January 01, 2009
Happy New Year??
A toungue-in-check look back. Portending more of the same in 2009? I'm going to be enthusiastically blonde and wish all of you prosperous, creative and peaceful New Year!
Blessings to all,