Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Full Circle - Another Wrap Skirt

I can't seem to get too enthused about anything than work and health, both mine and others these days. But I found this cute little circle wrap skirt and have to share it with you. It comes from Burda Style online magazine who offer both free and low cost patterns.

I bought Burda pattern magazines for years during the 1970s -1990s. Their founder had the brilliant idea of including a huge pattern sheet with outlines for all the fashions featured, a direct influence from the Petersons and Godeys Ladies Books of the 1800s. She included patterns for women, children, men and the home much as the antique magazines offered women a variety of amusements, recipies, art, stories, music and fashion of the day.

I own a number of the antiques, bound and lovingly saved for me to buy them over 100 plus years later. I still have my old Burda pattern books. I hope you'll introduce yourself to Burda. Go explore how economically things were done!


Mary Sonya conti said...

You Go Girl. Way to put her away.

Hey, this skirt is wonderful! A reminder of one wore first day of 7th grade wayyyyyyyy back when. Mama later put a Black Poodle on it out of felt if rememeber right added some kind of yarn to it that curled. Anywho love the skirt.

Anonymous said...

Red Sonya! Thanks for the backup, Beauty! I just hate being captive to these. Just changed my comments rating to approval to publish. Didn't want to do that, but felt there was no choice.
